About Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library

About Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library

Dolly Parton Imagination Library

Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library is a book gifting program that mails free, high-quality books to children from birth to age five, no matter their family’s income.


Hello Dolly!

“When I was growing up in the hills of East Tennessee, I knew my dreams would come true. I know there are children in your community with their own dreams. They dream of becoming a doctor or an inventor or a minister. Who knows, maybe there is a little girl whose dream is to be a writer and singer.

“The seeds of these dreams are often found in books, and the seeds you help plant in your community can grow across the world.” – Dolly Parton

Support for Early Learning & Families’ partnership with Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library (DPIL) expands this program into Clark, Skamania and Klickitat counties. DPIL provides age-appropriate, high-quality books that are mailed each month to enrolled children, birth to age five, at no cost to families.

Nearly 177 million. That’s the number of books in the hands of children across the globe thanks to Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library. And now Support for Early Learning & Families has joined the book-giving family, with a five-year goal of enrolling 20,000 — 65% of eligible children. We raised $160,000 in the first year to buy books for young learners in our own corner of the world.

How is Support for Early Learning and Families involved?

Support for Early Learning & Families became a local affiliate of Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library in the summer of 2021. Support for Early Learning & Families helps raise local funding and enrolls children in the program. Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library manages the database and selects and mails the books to enrolled families each month. Washington’s Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction sees so much value in this program, they and United Way of the Pacific Northwest are working to expand it across the state.

How do I enroll a child?

Please fill out the online registration below. This is a three-step process that will guide you through the enrollment process.

How do I donate?

By clicking the donate button below, you will help a child receive high-quality books that are mailed each month right to their door. A $25 donation covers the cost for two children for one year.


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